Gilchrest Cosponsors Bill to Repeal Tax on Social Security Benefits

Press Release

Date: Jan. 15, 2008
Location: Washington, DC

Gilchrest Cosponsors Bill to Repeal Tax on Social Security Benefits

U.S. Rep. Wayne T. Gilchrest (R-Maryland-1st) has cosponsored legislation in Congress to repeal the 1993 tax increase imposed on Social Security benefits.

"I voted against this tax when it came before the House in 1993 and have continued to vote to repeal it each time it's come before the House," Gilchrest said. "We will continue to push for a vote on this bill and urge its passage. It's an issue that continues to anger seniors who have already paid into the system and paid their fair share of taxes."

In 1993, President Clinton proposed the tax increase on social security benefits and Vice President Al Gore cast the deciding vote in the Senate to get it passed through Congress.

Prior to 1993, seniors paid taxes on half their Social Security benefits if their combined income exceeded $25,000 for individuals or $32,000 for couples. But under the Clinton plan, the portion of taxable Social Security benefits increased to 85 percent, as indivuals with incomes about $34,000 and couples with incomes about $44,000 because subject to the higher rate of taxation.

Gilchrest has cosponsored H.R. 192, the Social Security Beneficiary Tax Reduction Act, introduced by Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas). It has 18 cosponsors including Maryland's other Republican, Rep. Roscoe Bartlett.
